Know how to use Ganoderma to get maximum health benefits?
Ganotherapy is the method of taking ganoderma. Ganotherapy here on is about using Ganoderma based products especially RG and GL for health benefits. Ganoderma must be consumed according to ganotherapy procedure, this ensures maximum benefits in health and wellness.
Ganotherapy has been provided here for the benefit of those who are already consuming Ganoderma based products RG/GL i.e. Reishi Gano and Ganocelium. This article on Ganotherapy is also an answer to a number of queries that we receive on how to consume Ganoderma based products, now when this article on Ganotherapy is online most of the present and future queries will automatically get solved.
Basic Principles of Ganotherapy
Ganotherapy described here is based on few assumptions, one must understand these assumptions in order to maintain and retain health with Ganoderma. Starting Ganotherapy based on misconception will only lead to misunderstanding. It is best to know and understand how and when to use Ganoderma (RG/GL). Ganotherapy desribed here only applies to Ganoderma based products RG/GL and is irrelevant to other Ganoderma based products like Lingzhi Coffee (or healthy coffee), Ganozi toothpaste, Ganozhi soap, Ganozi shampoo etc. So, here are the basic assumptions of Ganotherapy:
Causes of Health Problems : Ganotherapy believes that there are two reasons for health problems or illness. They are
1) accumulation of toxins in our body and
2) unbalanced body function i.e. lack of coordination between functions taking place in the body.
Is Ganoderma a cure : Second assumption of Ganotherapy is that Ganoderma isn't a cure or treatment for any illness, health condition or disease. Ganoderma only helps body to regulate unbalanced body functions, detoxifies body and helps body to improve its self defense system by improving its immunity against disease. All the health benefits that people see or are reported are achieved by these properties of Ganoderma.
Reflection by Body to Ganoderma : Ganotherapy believes that all the reactions (reflections) that we see in our body are caused by our body system. Our body system reacts to Ganotherapy on its own and Ganoderma itself isn't a reason or cause of reaction.
Dosage of Ganoderma : Another assumption of Ganotherapy is that dosage (quantity of RG/GL) is irrelevant to any disease or health condition, because Ganoderma isn't a cure or treatment but a health supplement which helps body to improve itself.
Steps to Ganotherapy
Ganotherapy can be started by consuming one pair of Reishi Gano and Ganocelium i.e. 1RG+1GL. This RG/GL pair of Ganoderma must be taken in morning on empty stomach. If you have ulcer or some other stomach related problem then it can be taken after a light meal.This one pair of RG/GL must be continued for 1 week or 10 days until you feel comfortable with it. Then one can increase this to two pairs i.e. one pair of RG+GL in morning and another pair of RG+GL in evening.When ganoderma is taken (one pair or two pairs of RG/GL) body starts reacting to it, that is the process of regulating body functions and detoxification starts. This is a sign that Ganoderma is working.One can continue increasing RG+GL pair until some reflection or reaction from the body is noticed and once you see this reflection, stop increasing the pairs and continue consuming pairs which caused body to reflect.These reflections will settle down in days or weeks when body gets detoxified to some extent and improves its functioning, at this stage a person will also feel healthy.During Ganotherapy one should consume more water and products with vitamin C. This will help detoxifying the body and throwing the toxins out of the body.
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Dennis Villarosa
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